The Ultra Clean Motorsports Tube Cleaning System can be of benefit for more than just oil lines. I had a heater valve spring a leak on my van on the way home from a race at Road Atlanta. It was past time to replace all the coolant and heater hoses as well. Before installing the dozen hoses on the beast, I gave them the Ultra Clean treatment. My goal wasn’t to purge them of the smallest contaminates, so I reused projectiles. It took me a few minutes and $3.49 in projectiles. (That’s about the cost of a can of brake cleaner.) It was well worth making sure the hoses where clear of anything that may have wandered in! (Packing material, spiders, bugs, etc…) As I expected nothing substantial found. For that one in many times there would be contaminates that may cause a blockage, this was insurance that this wasn’t one of those times. We clean or wipe clean every component before installing them, hoses deserve the same treatment!
Pile of Coolant/Heater Hoses Used Projectiles and Contaminates